An Easy Way To Create Large-Format Artwork — South Place Studio

An Easy Way To Create Large-Format Artwork

Having lived in many compact flats over the passed few years, we never had reason to invest in large pieces of art, because we just didn’t have anywhere to hang it, so we we now have quite a few blank walls in the house. Art is so subjective - It can take may years to find artwork that everyone in the house is happy to have on the walls! And it can also be very expensive, especially for large format, framed artwork.

So in the meantime, until we find our special pieces, I made a creative half-term project out of painting three large-format pieces of art with my daughter, Eva, to add some personality to our blank dining area wall.

I would usually use this technique for styling projects, or for home staging, where I may be looking to fill a blank wall quickly and on a budget. The great thing about doing this, is that you can choose colours from your existing interior which will make it seem like the artwork has been carefully chosen and considered.

We created this trio by following these 5 easy steps:

  1. Buy the frames first, I found these 1m x 70cm brass frames online.

  2. Use the frame backing board as your template to quickly cut your paper to the right size. I bought a large 1.5m roll of good quality artists paper here.

  3. Lay everything out and prepare your paints, brushes and rollers (we used a standard small decorating roller).

  4. Paint! (see video below).

  5. Frame and hang your artwork.

Tash South