The professionals involved in a Renovation Project
If you're about to renovate…
you have probably started to hear about all the professionals you may need to get involved.
When I self-built my north London home back in 2017, I had no idea just how many people could possibly be involved. In this episode, I run through an extensive list of ALL the professionals that could be involved in a renovation project, and a short run-down of what each role involves.
If you're feeling overwhelmed
…and wondering who does what, then give this episode a listen before you start hiring.
Navigating the twists and turns of many renovation projects over the years, I've discovered the value of each professional, from architects to surveyors, and I'm here to illuminate the path for you so that you can learn which professionals will give you the best result for your renovation project.
Hire the correct professionals
…and you are setting yourself up for the beginnings of a successful home renovation.
A good team is essential to achieve your dream home. In my five-pillar process for a successful renovation, the third pillar is: people. You can learn more about the process and The Sequence of a successful renovation HERE.
Ready to transform your home and your understanding of the renovation process?
Join me inside this episode!